“ill - messenger poisoner version” (2023) by Shouter Whisperer. Grungey art rock, drums by Alejandro Abeledo.
Rick Weaver: “windfall of free-shifting artistic currency: music, performance and rolling language built soundly on and off precarious boundaries, supplemented with extended, elongated new text color wheel. Each performance from Zwetkof breaks from the last; each set a complete picture. Her album ‘Prehistory (horse n buggy days)’ cements adaptation into poetry at the speed of folk.”
Yeah I Know it Sucks: “…the future is now & Svet’s songs and music is simply time & basically genre-less. Not afraid to do whatever that makes sense, providing the act of brushing teeth along with harsher noise & twisting her extremely warm and kind sounding vocals in a way that makes miraculously lots of sense in it’s togetherness.”
Sarah Gill for Art Grove Newsletter: “Svet’s work as a multidisciplinary artist showcases the value of curiosity and levity in one’s practice. You can venture into new territory without fear, while still being grounded in an area of expertise.”
Slugger Witch demos to come this winter.
Slugger Witch (2024--?) - synthesizer, electric guitar + bass, vocals - electronic grungey/doomy art rock made with Jared Flores of Flowerss.
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Gouache + watercolor paintings.
Celtic doom spirals. A fear of the brown bull.
The University of Texas at San Antonio - MA Reading & Literacy (incomplete) - 2021-2022
Mount Holyoke College - BA Linguistics & Studio Art - 2013-2017
cum laude, high honors in art thesis
Phi Beta Kappa & Mary Lyon Scholar
Svet @ Texas Noise and Ambience 2018 - Contemporary Arts Museum Houston
Rousay/Zwetkof Tour - midwest United States - summer 2017
Svetlana (“Svet”) Zwetkof is a multidisciplinary artist living and working in San Antonio, Texas. She grew up in Greeley, Colorado where her childhood was spent handling pinecones, holding funerals for fallen squirrels, and using leaves as pretend currency. In 2013 she moved to South Hadley, Massachusetts, where she attended Mount Holyoke College. During undergrad she studied Studio Art and Linguistics, ultimately completing a senior thesis project entitled “Gloomy Swamp, Breathless Mud” that used video/sound installations and clay/wax sculptures to explore the psychological terrain of trauma via geological metaphor. For this project she waded through lakes and creeks, cast wax directly in clay, and recorded vocal arrangements that dealt with grief and reclamation.
In 2017, post-grad, Svet moved to San Antonio, Texas to follow a musical thread that related to the sound art and a cappella music she explored during college. Since that time, she has had many strange (and “odd”) jobs and performed in a number of bands and experimental music projects, including the solo vocal/noise project called Svet, an art rock band called Shouter Whisperer, and her current electronic duo project Slugger Witch, which is performed with her partner Jared Flores.
Svet seeks to further her education soon and is returning to a life of pinecones, ambiguous sculptures, epoxy clay, handmade paper, and wax. Current project topics include Celtic doom spirals, a fear of the brown bull (a concept inspired by the Irish epic of The Tain), and victim advocacy for survivors of sexual assault.
Shouter Whisperer (2023-2024) - synthesizer, electric ukulele, vocals - art rock
one released album
Svet (2016-2023) - vocals, synthesizer - experimental/ambient music
seven released albums
Jejune Stars (2018-2019) - synthesizer, vocals - indie
Ston the Band (2023-2024) - synthesizer - wonky tonk
Rousay/Zwetkof Duo (2017-2018) - vocals - experimental improvisational drum/vocal duo
Gloomy Swamp, Breathless Mud (2016-2017) - wax sculptures and video/sound installations